Come see where the magic happens~
Do you enjoy our work? Want to be notified first when we have commission openings? Crave a view into the day to day operations in our studio? Become a Patron today!
Patreon is a tangible way to support our studio on a continuing basis, and to be an active member of our community. Your contributions -no matter how small- help offset some of the time and expenses involved with experimenting and innovating, helps ensure our operating expenses are covered every month, and in general make our lives as artists easier. We share an insider's look with our Patrons to show our gratitude, including in-progress photos we otherwise only show our clients, previews of photos and videos before they're released to the public, and exclusive shots that provide a look behind-the-scenes at how these creatures come to be.
In addition to exclusive previews and the satisfaction of helping us improve our work, Patrons are cordially invited to join our vibrant Telegram community. There we share our current projects with Patrons and clients, advise our Patrons and clients on their own projects, and chat with each other about our research and ideas. Patrons are also first in line for openings for new projects, which is a rare opportunity.
PO Box 80762Midland, TX 79708
United States of America